Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has Yin Yang and Qi evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use acupuncture, moxibustion, herbs, and other methods to treat a wide range of conditions. Underlying the practice of TCM is a unique view of the world and the human body based on the ancient Chinese perception of humans as microcosms of the larger, surrounding universe—interconnected with nature and subject to its forces. The human body is regarded as an organic entity in which the various organs, tissues, and other parts have distinct functions but are all interdependent. In this view, health and disease relate to balance of the functions.
Acupuncture treatment is based on a TCM diagnosis that includes an assessment of pulse quality, shape and color of the tongue, medical history and whole body evaluation. Following the diagnosis, acupuncture points are chosen on the body along acupuncture meridians, or pathways. Needle stimulation of the chosen points increases the body’s healing energy or Qi, which circulates throughout the body within the meridians. The meridians are related to the internal organs and their functions. Qi surfaces to the skin level at specific points. Good health depends on the smooth flow of Qi. People become ill when the flow of Qi is blocked due to trauma, poor diet, stress, environmental factors, or excessive emotional issues. Acupuncture allows Qi to flow to areas where it is deficient and away from areas where it is in excess, thus restoring a harmonious energetic balance in the body and achieving natural healing.